Watch the video (below) to learn how you can sell your electronic components for market prices by developing a strategic partnership with PC Components Company.

Market Analysis Report Request

PC Components Company offers a free Market Analysis Report as a service to qualified OEMs, CMs, and others who currently have excess inventory. The service is offered to help prospective clients determine whether selling their inventory, or any portion of their inventory, on the open market makes more sense than other options that they may consider.

There are no costs or other obligations, although PC Components reserves the right to limit free reports to one per client and to 250 line items.

Complete the form below to request an Electronic Component Asset Manager contact you, or to request additional information. If you currently have a list, paste your excess inventory into the comments section below.

The only information that we require to run a Market Analysis Report is the complete manufacturer's part number and quantity, although more accurate results are obtained when you also include the manufacturer, purchase price, and condition (whether the parts are new, used, or refurbished).

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